How does every Islamic
joke start?
By looking over your
What do you call a
Muslim woman with an
Anything you want she's already been stoned to
If you burn a Koran, a
Muslim may burn your house down.
Jokes on him - my house is full of Korans.
Why do Muslim women hate wearing tight
Because it makes their bomb look bigger.
Muslim Father catches his son masturbating.
He says, "Don't do that son, or Allah will strike you blind.
"His son says, "Father, I'm
over here."
'Je Suis Charlie'
Photo: Maximilian Uriarte
The Muslim mind is pre- rational, predatory and tribal.
Winston Churchill
The Savvy Kafir
"Je suis Charlie", French for "I am Charlie" is a slogan
adopted by supporters of freedom of speech and freedom of
the press after the 7th of January 2015 massacre in which
twelve people were killed at the offices of the French satirical
weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris, France. It identifies
a speaker or supported with those who were killed at the
Charlie Hebdo shooting, and by extension, a supporter of
freedom of speech and resistance to armed threats. Some
journalists embraced the expression as a rallying cry for the
freedom of self expression.
The slogan was first used on Twitter. The website of Charlie
Hebdo went offline shortly after the shooting and when it
became live again, it bore the legend Je suis Charlie on a black background, a PDF containing translations in seven languages was added shortly there after. The statement was used as the hashtag #je suis charlie and #i am charlie on Twitter, as computer printed or hand-made placards and stickers, and displayed on mobile phones at vigils, and on many websites, particularly media sites. Within two days of the attack, the slogan had become one of the most popular news hashtags in Twitter history. Je suis Charlie was adopted worldwide, was used in music, displayed in print and animated cartoons (including The Simpsons), and became the new name of a town square in France.

On 12 January, Charlie Hebdo revealed the cover of its 14 January issue, set to be published a week after the attacks
began. The cover features a cartoon of the Islamic prophet Muhammad shedding a tear while holding a Je suis Charlie sign, below the words "Tout est pardonné" ("All is forgiven").
About one hour after the attack, an image of the slogan was posted to Twitter by Joachim Roncin, a French artist and
music journalist for Stylist Magazine. Roncin says he created the image because he lacked words. Roncin said the phrase came to him naturally, because he regularly spends time with his son looking at Où est Charlie? books (the French language version of Where's Wally?).
The slogan is intended to evoke solidarity with the victims, as other similar phrases have done. Such as "I am" and "We are" slogans "express empathy, outrage, and horror by subsuming ourselves into victims’ identities," wrote Amanda Hess of Slate. French media in particular noted its similarity to the phrase "Tonight, we are all Americans," ("Ce soir, nous sommes tous Américains") spoken on air by France 2 reporter Nicole Bacharan on the evening of the the 11th of September 2001. The phrase was widely embraced, including being printed on the front page of French newspaper Le Monde the following day. Je suis Charlie has also been compared to another phrase of solidarity, "Ich bin ein Berliner" ("I am a Berliner"), a declaration by U.S. President John F. Kennedy on the 26th of June 1963, in West Berlin on the 15th anniversary of the Berlin blockade.
Media also have drawn comparisons to the iconic "I'm Spartacus" scene in the 1960 film Spartacus, the "I Am a Man!" slogan used during African American civil rights marches in 1968, or the recent use of "I am Michael Brown" after the shooting of Michael Brown. The phrase is also similar to "Main hoon aam aadmi" meaning "I am the common man" slogan used by the Aam Aadmi Party in India.
Beyond expressing sympathy for the victims, within hours of the attack the hashtag was used by journalists discussing the issue of censorship and threats. Sophie Kleeman of Mic wrote, "#Je Suis Charlie sends a clear message:
Regardless of the threat of hatred or violence, journalists and non journalists alike refuse to be silenced. As Charbonnier said in 2012, following the firebombing of his offices,
'I have neither a wife nor children, not even a dog. But I'm not going to hide.'
In the opinion of Gene Policinski, Chief Operating Officer of the Newseum Institute and Senior Vice-President of the First
Amendment Centre, the Charlie Hebdo killings were part of a string of recent threats toward journalists and freedom of speech, following North Korea's threats over the controversial release of the film. The Interview and ISIL's executions of journalists. In his opinion, Policinski stated that instead of being successful at silencing anyone, these attempts at censorship and the Paris massacre have backfired and instead brought more awareness and support to freedom of speech. "Ironically, such violence directed at journalists, authors and others is recognition that free expression and the marketplace of ideas
—enshrined in the U.S. [Constitution] in the First Amendment—is a powerful weapon against tyranny", he wrote; "For more than 220 years, in the U.S., the 45 words of the First Amendment have defined the nation's core freedoms of religion, speech, press, assembly and petition. We now have another few words that will serve as a global means of declaring those freedoms:
Journalist Peter Bella wrote that more than 100 reporters were killed "doing their jobs" in 2014 and that "many were
executed just because they were journalists." He said the hashtag "was created to support Charlie Hebdo, the victims, and freedom of the press, speech, and expression. I am Charlie. You are Charlie. We are all Charlie."
Counter-hashtags also appeared as expressions of disagreement with the unconditional support of Charlie Hebdo. The hashtag #JeNeSuisPasCharlie ("I am not Charlie") was used by those who accuse the magazine of racism.
LeMonde reported that a fake bomb was left in the faculty lounge of a French high school containing the message:
"Je ne suis pas Charlie". In an article titled "I Am Not Charlie Hebdo" published in The New York Times, American journalist David Brooks, while describing the journalists at Charlie Hebdo as "martyrs on behalf of freedom of expression ," described Charlie Hebdo as a puerile magazine whose offensive humour would be labelled as hate speech in the United States.
While condemning the murder of the 17 persons in Paris, British MP George Galloway considered the Charlie cartoons as "pornographic, obscene insults to the Prophet and by extension, 1.7 billion humans…"
Je suis Charlie trended at the top of Twitter hashtags on the 7th of January, the day of the attack. By the following afternoon
it had appeared more than 3.4 million times, and was being used nearly 6,500 times per minute. By Friday, it had appeared more than 5 million times.
The senior bishop in England, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, was among those who tweeted the hashtag, and wrote in French:
"The response to such demonic violence is love for those who suffer and virtuous action against evil".
The U.S. Embassy in Paris and the Association française pour le nommage Internet en coopération were among the people and organizations which changed their Twitter profile pictures to the Je suis Charlie placard.
Numerous cartoonists created art using the slogan. Others used it in combination with pictures of the deceased.
The magazine Charlie Hebdo had used the name Charlie Brown from the Peanuts comic strip, and an image of Charlie Brown crying with the slogan was posted on Twitter.
The Canberra Times' political cartoonist David Pope released an image of a smoking gun, with a gunman saying, "He drew first."
Cartoonist James MacLeod released an image of the power of the gun compared with the power of free speech.
Soshy released an image of a blood-dripping Je suis Charlie in front of the French flag.
Albert Uderzo, creator of Astérix, came out of retirement aged 87 following the attack. He released a new drawing of Astérix punching a villain wearing babouches while declaring "Moi aussi, je suis un Charlie!" ("I too am a Charlie!")
Cartoonist Rob Tornoe used Je suis Charlie to mock newspapers and media companies, like the New York Daily News, for reprinting his cartoon without permission or payment.
The Cagle Post posted a collection of Je suis Charlie cartoons, from cartoonists in the United States and around the world.
The Je suis Charlie slogan and translations were used on placards and mobile phone displays at vigils and demonstrations
in many cities in France, Europe, North America, South America, Oceania and some Asian cities.
On United States television programs, there were several notable uses of the slogan. On the 8th of January, Jon Stewart closed the episode of The Daily Show with Je suis Charlie in a cartoon. On the 11th of January, The Simpsons episode the, "Bart's New Friend" featured Maggie holding a black banner reading Je suis Charlie in a manner similar to either Eugène Delacroix's Liberty Leading the People, or an iconic drawing by Emile Bayard of the character of Cosette from Victor Hugo's novel Les Misérables, made famous as a publicity image for the novel's musical adaptation. It was shown after the conclusion of the program.
Freedom of Speech, let 'em take it
from me. Next they'll take it from you,
then what you gonna do?
The 72nd Golden Globe Awards show, held on the 11th of January in Beverly Hills, was the
first major entertainment event to take place after the killings. Prior to the awards show, film
producer Harvey Weinstein penned a lengthy open letter to Hollywood in Variety about the
attacks and the importance of free speech, writing that he hoped there would be displays of
"solidarity" at the awards, before ending his letter with “Je suis Charlie, je suis juif, je
#suis Ahmed.” ("I am Charlie, I am Jewish, I am Ahmed.")
At the show, stars including George and Amal Clooney, Kathy Bates, Helen Mirren, Diane
Kruger, Joshua Jackson and William H. Macy, wore Je Suis Charlie on pins affixed to their
clothes or handbags, held signs with the slogan or used the phrase in red carpet interviews.
In his acceptance speech for the Cecil B. DeMille Award, George Clooney wore a Je suis Charlie pin on his lapel and said, "Millions of people – not just in Paris but around the world, Christians and Jews and leaders of countries all over the world – they didn't march in protest, they marched in support of the idea that we will not walk in fear. We won’t do it."
("I am Charlie, I am Jewish, I am Ahmed.")
"So Je suis Charlie." Jared Leto used this in a speech before presenting an award to two French NBA players who wore Tee shirts bearing the motto during pre game warm ups:
Nicolas Batum of the Portland Trail Blazers on the 8th of January and
Kevin Séraphin of the Washington Wizards the next night.
Italian football club S.S. Lazio wore the motto on their club shirts during a match on the 11th of January against A.S. Roma.
Supporters of Olympique de Marseille cheered under a screen displaying the words Je suis Charlie before their football match on the 9th of January in Montpellier France.
An exhibition titled "Je suis Charlie" honoring free expression was held in Drammen Theater on the 27th of February 2015. The exhibition which was arranged by the Universal Tolerance Organization featured 100 religious and political cartoons from 40 countries. Due to security concerns there were no cartoons of Mohammed and the exhibition only stayed open for six hours
with heavily armed police present. What a bunch off pussies.
The day after the attack, Jean-Pierre Tallieu, mayor of the city of Tremblade, in the suburb of Royan, Charente-Maritime, named a public square "Je suis Charlie Place" to perpetuate the memory of the victims. A temporary plaque was inaugurated on the 10th of January and will be permanently replaced once the paperwork is completed to register the new name.
Notepad++ version 6.7.4, released on the 10th of January 2015, was named
Je suis Charlie. In response the website was hacked by the Tunisian Fallaga Team, accusing Notepad++ of calling Islam a terrorist religion. GNU parallels
release 20150122 was named (((:~{> Je Suis Charlie.
Several developers produced applications for smartphones. On Android, apps appeared to display the various versions of the "Je suis Charlie" slogan. French developers from the news agency Nice-Matin launched a Je suis Charlie smartphone app for iOS and Android. Installing the free app and giving it access to the phone's location adds a dot on a map alongside other supporters. While new iOS apps typically take at least a week to be vetted, the agency e-mailed Apple CEO Tim Cook and the app was approved in one hour after the shootings.
Within days of the attack, merchandise featuring Je suis Charlie was available for sale around the world. This led to critical questioning of whether businesses were profiting off the tragedy or simply responding to market demand. By the 12th of January, eBay had more than 5,000 items on its site, including Tee-shirts, mugs, artwork, pins, posters, hats, phone cases, key-chains and dog-tags. The auction company announced it would donate fees earned from Je suis Charlie-related sales in France.
On the 8th of January, French mail order company 3 Suisses drew criticism for appropriating the slogan for social media self-promotion after tweeting an image with the words "Je Suisses Charlie." It removed the slogan the same day and apologized. eBay stated it would remove any items featuring the slogan that were "inconsistent with its regulations, principles and values." The Hoxton Hotel chain was criticized for including "#jesuischarile" in a Facebook post promoting its new Paris hotel. The firm later published a post saying its intent was only to show solidarity with Paris.
The domain name jesuischarlie.com was registered on the same day as the attack and featured an automatic redirect to the Charlie Hebdo website. Jesuischarlie.net, jesuischarlie.fr and iamcharlie.fr were also registered but initially had no content.
After the Charlie Hebdo shooting, a mosque in Bischwiller, France, was vandalized with the graffiti, " Ich bin Charlie " ("I am Charlie", in German).
Saudi-Australian Islamic preacher Junaid Thorne said:
"If you want to enjoy 'freedom of speech' with no limits, expect others to exercise 'freedom of action'."
Anjem Choudary, a radical British Islamist, wrote an editorial in USA Today in which he professes justification from the words of Muhammad that those who insult prophets should face death, and that Muhammad should be protected to prevent further violence.
Hizb ut-Tahrir Australia said that "as a result, it is assumed necessary in all cases to ensure that the pressure does not exceed the red lines, which will then ultimately lead to irreversible problems".
Bahujan Samaj Party leader Yaqub Qureishi, a Muslim MLA and former Minister from Uttar Pradesh in India, offered a reward of ₹510million (US $8 million) to the perpetrators of the Charlie Hebdo shootings.
On 14 January, about 1,500 Filipino Muslims held a rally in Muslim-majority Marawi in support of the attacks, calling the incident a "moral lesson for the world to respect any kind of religion, especially the religion of Islam". The rallyists also asserted that "Freedom of expression does not extend to insulting the noble and the greatest prophet of Allah."
After the attack, Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula praised the attackers for killing the cartoonists, and called for militants to murder others on their hit list. A collection of global jihadist organisations condemned the cartoonists and praised the
killers, including the Taliban in Afghanistan, Al-Shabaab, a militant Islamist organisation in Somalia, as well as Boko Haram
of Nigeria. Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militants in Syria also praised the massacre.
Two Islamist newspapers in Turkey ran headlines that were criticised on social media as justifying the attack. The Yeni Akit ran an article entitled "Attack on the magazine that provoked Muslims", and ran an article entitled "Attack on the magazine that insulted our Prophet". Yahoo Canada reported a rally in support of the shootings in southern Afghanistan, where the demonstrators called the gunmen "heroes" who meted out punishment for the disrespectful cartoons. The demonstrators
also protested Afghan President Ashraf Ghani's swift condemnation of the shootings. Around 40 to 60 people gathered in Peshawar, Pakistan, to praise the killers, with a local cleric holding a funeral for the killers, lionizing them as "heroes of Islam."
"Je suis Charlie" "I am Charlie"
"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."
François-Marie Arouet (November 21, 1694 – May 30, 1778), famous using his pen name Voltaire, was a French writer, deist and philosopher.
The material on this site does not necessarily reflect the views of What If? Tees.
The Images and Text are not meant to offend but to Promote Positive Open Debate and Free Speech.
The material on this site does not reflect the views of What If? Tees.
The Images and Text are not meant to offend but to Promote Positive Open Debate and Free Speech.