Nazi Foo Fighters UFO's
So I walk up to this chick in the bar and I said
" Hey baby, I'm like a UFO"
She replied with " Why? because you're out of this world?"
I said " No, because I want to abduct you and and give you an anal probing"
I met my wife outside her Weight Watchers class to walk her home, but within minutes, a spaceship appeared from above and kidnapped the fat bitch.
I immediately called the government's ufo hotline.
"Ok then sir" said the operator', "can you describe the alien vessel that abducted your wife?"
"Yes." I replied. "Typical saucer shaped, metallic blue in colour and a shower of sparks emitting from the rear."
"Sparks?" He asked.
"Yeah, from dragging along the fucking ground."
Ministry of Defence releases files on UFO sightings, including lights over Glastonbury.
It's safe to say that if you're not seeing flying saucers over Glastonbury, you're doing it wrong.
The term foo fighter was used by Allied aircraft pilots in World
War II to describe various UFOs or mysterious aerial
phenomena seen in the skies over both the European and
Pacific theatres of operations.
Though "foo fighter" initially described a type of UFO reported
and named by the U.S. 415th Night Fighter Squadron , the
term was also commonly used to mean any UFO sighting from
that period. Formally reported from November 1944 onwards,
witnesses often assumed that the foo fighters were secret
weapons employed by the enemy.
The Robertson Panel explored possible explanations, for
instance that they were electrostatic phenomena similar to St.
Elmo's fire, electromagnetic phenomena, or simply reflections
of light from ice crystals.
The term "foo" emerged in popular culture during the early
1930s, first being used by cartoonist Bill Holman who
peppered his Smokey Stover fireman cartoon strips with "foo"
signs and puns.
The term foo was borrowed from Bill Holman's Smokey Stover
by a radar operator in the 415th Night Fighter Squadron,
Donald J. Meiers , who it is agreed by most 415th members
gave the foo fighters their name. Meiers was from Chicago and
was an avid reader of Bill Holman's strip which was run daily in the Chicago Tribune.
Smokey Stover's catch phrase was "where there's foo, there's fire". In a mission debriefing on the evening November 27, 1944, Fritz Ringwald, the unit's S-2 Intelligence Officer, stated that Meiers an Ed Schleuter had sighted a red ball of fire that appeared to chase them through a variety of high-speed manoeuvres. Fritz said that Meiers was extremely agitated and had a copy of the comic strip tucked in his back pocket. He pulled it out and slammed it down on Fritz's desk and said, "... it was another one of those fuckin' foo fighters!" and stormed out of the debriefing room.
According to Fritz Ringwald, because of the lack of a better name, it stuck. And this was originally what the men of the 415th started calling these incidents:
"Fuckin' Foo Fighters." In December 1944, a press correspondent from the Associated Press in Paris, Bob Wilson, was sent to the 415th at their base outside of Dijon, France to investigate this story. It was at this time that the term was cleaned up to just "foo fighters". The unit commander, Capt. Harold Augsperger , also decided to shorten the term to foo fighters in the unit's historical data.

The first sightings occurred in November 1944 , when pilots flying over Germany by night reported seeing fast-moving round glowing objects following their aircraft. The objects were variously described as fiery, and glowing red, white, or orange. Some pilots described them as resembling Christmas tree lights and reported that they seemed to toy with the aircraft, making wild turns before simply vanishing. Pilots and aircrew reported that the objects flew formation with their aircraft and behaved as if under intelligent control, but never displayed hostile behavior. However, they could not be outmanoeuvred or shot down. The phenomenon was so widespread that the lights earned a name – in the European Theater of Operations they were often called "kraut fireballs" but for the most part called "foo-fighters". The military took the sightings seriously, suspecting that the mysterious sightings might be secret German weapons, but further investigation revealed that German and Japanese pilots had reported similar sightings.
On 13 December 1944, the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force in Paris issued a press release, which was featured in the New York Times the next day, officially describing the phenomenon as a "new German weapon". Follow-up stories, using the term "Foo Fighters", appeared in the New York Herald Tribune and the British Daily Telegraph.
In its 15 Jan 1945 edition Time magazine carried a story entitled "Foo-
Fighter", in which it reported that the "balls of fire" had been following USAAF night fighters for over a month, and that the pilots had named it the "foo-fighter". According to Time, descriptions of the phenomena varied, but the pilots agreed that the mysterious lights followed their aircraft closely at high speed. Some scientists at the time rationalised the sightings as an illusion probably caused by afterimages of dazzle caused by flak bursts, while others suggested St. Elmo's Fire as an explanation.
The "balls of fire" phenomenon reported from the Pacific Theatre of Operations differed somewhat from the foo fighters reported from Europe; the "ball of fire" resembled a large burning sphere which "just hung in the sky", though it was reported to sometimes follow aircraft. On one occasion, the gunner of a B-29 aircraft managed to hit one with gunfire, causing it to break up into several large pieces which fell on buildings below and set them on fire. There was speculation that the phenomena could be related to the Japanese fire balloons' campaign. As with the European foo fighters, no aircraft was reported as having been attacked by a "ball of fire."
The post war Robertson Panel cited foo fighter reports, noting that their behaviour did not appear to be threatening, and mentioned possible explanations, for instance that they were electrostatic phenomena similar to St. Elmo's fire, electromagnetic phenomena, or simply reflections of light from ice crystals. The Panel's report suggested that "If the term flying saucers" had been popular in 1943– 1945, these objects would have been so labelled.
Foo fighters were reported on many occasions from around the world; a few examples are noted below.
Sighting from September 1941 in the Indian Ocean was similar to some later foo fighter reports. From the deck of the S.S. Pułaski (a Polish merchant vessel transporting British troops), two sailors reported a "strange globe glowing with greenish light, about half the size of the full moon as it appears to us." They alerted a British officer, who watched the object's movements with them for over an hour.
Charles R. Bastien of the Eighth Air Force reported one of the first encounters with foo fighters over the Belgium / Netherlands area; he
described them as "two fog lights flying at high rates of speed that could change direction rapidly". During debriefing, his intelligence officer told him that two RAF night fighters had reported the same thing, and it was later reported in British newspapers.
Career U.S. Air Force pilot Duane Adams often related that he had witnessed two occurrences of a bright light which paced his aircraft for about half an hour and then rapidly ascended into the sky. Both incidents occurred at night, both over the South Pacific, and both were witnessed by the entire aircraft crew. The first sighting occurred shortly after the end of World War II while Adams piloted a B- 25 bomber. The second sighting occurred in the early 1960s when Adams was piloting a KC-135 tanker.
Author Renato Vesco revived the wartime theory that the foo fighters were a Nazi secret weapon in his work 'Intercept UFO', reprinted in a revised English edition as 'Man-Made UFOs:
50 Years Of Suppression' in 1994. Vesco claims that the foo fighters were in fact a form of ground launched automatically guided jet propelled flak mine called the Feuerball (Fireball). The device, operated by special SS units, supposedly resembled a tortoise shell in shape, and flew by means of gas jets that spun like a Catherine wheel around the fuselage. Miniature klystron tubes inside the device, in combination with the gas jets, created the foo fighters' characteristic glowing spheroid in appearance, radar ensured the craft would not crash into another airborne object, and an onboard sensor mechanism would even instruct the machine to depart swiftly if it was fired upon. The purpose of the Feuerball, according to Vesco, was two-fold. The appearance of this weird device inside a bomber stream would (and indeed did) have distracting and disruptive effect on the bomber pilots; and Vesco alleges that the devices were also intended to have an offensive capability. Electrostatic discharges from the klystron tubes would, he states, interfere with the ignition systems of the bombers' engines, causing the planes to crash. Although there is no hard evidence to support the reality of the Feuerball drone, this theory has been taken up by other aviation / ufology authors, and has even been cited as the most likely explanation for the phenomena in at least one recent television documentary on Nazi secret weapons.
A type of electrical discharge from airplanes' wings (see St. Elmo's Fire) has been suggested as an explanation, since it has been known to appear at the wingtips of aircraft. It has also been pointed out that some of the descriptions of foo fighters closely resemble those of ball lightning.
During April 1945, the US Navy began to experiment on visual illusions as experienced by night time aviators. This work began the US Navy's Bureau of Medicine ( BUMED ) project X-148-AV-4-3. This project pioneered the study of aviators' vertigo and was initiated because a wide variety of anomalous events were being reported by night time aviators. Dr. Edgar Vinacke , who was the premier flight psychologist on this project, summarised the need for a cohesive and systemic outline of the epidemiology of aviator's vertigo:
Pilots do not have sufficient information about phenomena of disorientation, and, as a corollary, are given considerable disorganised, incomplete, and inaccurate information. They are largely dependent upon their own experience, which must supplement and interpret the traditions about 'vertigo' which are passed on to them.
When a concept thus grows out of anecdotes cemented together with practical necessity it is bound to acquire elements of mystery. So far as 'vertigo' is concerned, no one really knows more than a small part of the facts, but a great deal of the peril. Since aviators are not skilled observers of human behaviour, they usually have only the vaguest understanding of their own feelings. Like other naïve persons, therefore, they have simply adopted a term to cover a multitude of otherwise inexplicable events.
— Edgar Vinacke, The Concept of Aviator's "Vertigo"
In UFOlogy, conspiracy theory, science fiction, and comic book stories, claims or stories have circulated linking UFOs to Nazi Germany. The German UFO theories describe supposedly successful attempts to develop advanced aircraft or prior to and during World War II, and further assert the post-war survival of these craft in secret underground bases in Antarctica, South America, or the United States, along with their creators.
According to these theories and fictional stories, various potential code-names or sub-classifications of Nazi UFO craft such as Rundflugzeug, Feuerball, Diskus, Haunebu, Hauneburg-Gerät, V7, Vril, Kugelblitz (not related to the self-propelled anti-aircraft gun of the same name), Andromeda-Gerät, Flugkreisel, Kugelwaffe, and Reichsflugscheibe have all been referenced.
Accounts appear as early as 1950, likely inspired by historical German development of specialized engines such as Viktor Schauberger's "Repulsine" around the time of WWII. Elements of these claims have been widely incorporated into various works of fictional and purportedly non-fictional media, including video games and documentaries, often mixed with more substantiated information.
German UFO literature very often conforms largely to documented history on the following points:
The Third Reich claimed the territory of New Swabia in Antarctica, sent an expedition there in 1938, and planned others.
The Third Reich conducted research into advanced propulsion technology, including rocketry, Viktor Schauberger's engine research, flying wing craft and the Arthur Sack A.S.6 experimental circular winged aircraft.
Some UFO sightings during World War II, particularly those known as foo fighters, were thought by the Allies to be prototype enemy aircraft designed to harass Allied aircraft through electromagnetic disruption; a technology similar to today's electromagnetic pulse ( EMP ).
In WWII, the so-called "foo fighters," a variety of unusual and anomalous aerial phenomena, were witnessed by both Axis and Allied personnel. While some foo fighter reports were dismissed as the misconceptions of troops in the heat of combat, others were taken seriously, and leading scientists such as Luis Alvarez began to investigate them. In at least some cases, Allied intelligence and commanders suspected that foo fighters reported in the European theatre represented advanced German aircraft or weapons, particularly given that Germans had already developed such technological innovations as V-1 and V-2 rockets and the first jet-engine fighter planes, and that a minority of foo fighters seemed to have inflicted damage to allied aircraft.
Similar sentiments regarding German technology resurfaced in 1947 with the
first wave of flying saucer reports after Kenneth Arnold's widely reported
close encounter with nine crescent-shaped objects moving at a high velocity.
Personnel of Project Sign, the first U.S. Air Force UFO investigation group,
noted that the advanced flying wing aeronautical designs of the German
Horten brothers were similar to some UFO reports. In 1959, Captain Edward
J. Ruppelt , the first head of Project Blue Book (Project Sign's follow-up
investigation) wrote:
When WWII ended, the Germans had several radical
types of aircraft and guided missiles under development. The majority were
in the most preliminary stages, but they were the only known craft that could
even approach the performance of objects reported by UFO observers .
While these early speculations and reports were limited primarily to military
personnel, the earliest assertion of German flying saucers in the mass media
appears to have been an article which appeared in the Italian newspaper Il
Giornale d'Italia in early 1950. Written by Professor Giuseppe Belluzzo , an
Italian scientist and a former Italian Minister of National Economy under the
Mussolini regime, it claimed that "types of flying discs were designed and
studied in Germany and Italy as early as 1942". Belluzzo also expressed the
opinion that "some great power is launching discs to study them".
The Bell UFO was among the first flying objects to be connected with the
Nazis. It apparently had occult markings on it and it was also rumoured to
have been very similar to a Wehrmacht document about a vertical take off
aircraft. It is directly related to the supposed crash of a bell-shaped object
that occurred in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, USA on December 9, 1965. The
same month, German engineer Rudolf Schriever gave an interview to
German news magazine Der Spiegel in which he claimed that he had
designed a craft powered by a circular plane of rotating turbine blades 49 ft
(15 m) in diameter. He said that the project had been developed by him and
his team at BMW's Prague works until April 1945, when he fled
Czechoslovakia. His designs for the disk and a mode l were stolen from his
workshop in Bremerhaven-Lehe in 1948 and he was convinced that Czech
agents had built his craft for "a foreign power". In a separate interview with
Der Spiegel in October 1952 he said that the plans were stolen from a farm
he was hiding in near Regen on 14 May 1945. There are other discrepancies
between the two interviews that add to the confusion.
However many skeptics have doubted that such a Bell UFO was actually
designed or ever built.
In 1953, when Avro Canada
announced that it was developing
the VZ-9-AV Avrocar a circular
jet aircraft with an estimated speed
of 1,500 mph (2,400 km/h),
German engineer Georg Klein claimed that such designs had been developed during the Third Reich. Klein identified two types of supposed German flying
A non-rotating disk developed at Breslau by V-2 rocket engineer Richard Miethe , which was captured by the Soviets, while Miethe fled to the US via France, and ended up working for Avro.
A disk developed by Rudolf Schriever and Klaus Habermohl at Prague, which consisted of a ring of moving turbine blades around a fixed cockpit. Klein claimed that he had witnessed this craft's first manned flight on 14 February 1945, when it managed to climb to 12,400 m (40,700 ft) in 3 minutes and attained a speed of 2,200 km/h (1,400 mph) in level flight.
Aeronautical engineer Roy Fedden remarked that the only craft that could approach the capabilities attributed to flying saucers were those being designed
by the Germans towards the end of the war. Fedden (who was also chief of the technical mission to Germany for the Ministry of Aircraft Production) stated in 1945:
I have seen enough of their designs and production plans to realize that if they (the Germans) had managed to prolong the war some months longer, we would have been confronted with a set of entirely new and deadly developments in air warfare. Fedden also added that the Germans were working on a number
of very unusual aeronautical projects, though he did not elaborate upon his statement.
Le Matin des Magiciens (" The Morning of the Magicians "), a 1960 book by Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier, made many spectacular claims about the Vril Society of Berlin. Several years later writers, including Jan van Helsing, Norbert- Jürgen Ratthofer, and Vladimir Terziski, have built on their work, connecting the Vril Society with UFOs. Among their claims, they imply that the society may have made contact with an alien race and dedicated itself to creating spacecraft to reach the aliens. In partnership with the Thule Society and the Nazi Party, the Vril Society developed a series of flying disc prototypes. With the Nazi defeat, the society allegedly retreated to a base in Antarctica and vanished into the hollow Earth to meet up with the leaders of an advanced race inhabiting inner Earth.

When German Holocaust denier Ernst Zündel started Samisdat Publishers in the 1970s, he initially catered to the UFOlogy community, which was then at its peak of public acceptance. His books claimed that flying saucers were Nazi secret weapons launched from an underground base in Antarctica, from which the Nazis hoped to conquer the Earth and possibly the planets. Zündel also sold (for $9999) seats on an exploration team to locate the polar entrance to the hollow earth. Some who interviewed Zündel claim that he privately admitted it was a deliberate hoax to build publicity for Samisdat, although he still defended it as late as 2002.
In 1978, Miguel Serrano , a Chilean diplomat and Nazi sympathiser, published El Cordón Dorado:
Hitlerismo Esotérico The Golden Thread:
Esoteric Hitlerism (in Spanish), in which he claimed that Adolf Hitler was an Avatar of Vishnu and was, at that time, communing with Hyperborean gods in an underground Antarctic base in New Swabia. Serrano predicted that Hitler would lead a fleet of UFOs from the base to establish the Fourth Reich. In popular culture, this alleged UFO fleet is referred to as the Nazi flying saucers from Antarctica.
In 1947, Robert A. Heinlein published Rocket Ship Galileo , a
science fiction novel featuring a German moon base.
Iron Sky (2012):
a sci-fi black comedy about Nazis who left Earth
from their hidden base in Antarctica and established a secret fortress
on the dark side of the Moon. After Germany's defeat in 1945, the
Nazis vowed to return to Earth "in peace," and they finally return in
the year 2018, but with a full invasion force of flying saucers in order
to finally defeat the Allies and restore the Third Reich. During their
invasion, they end up battling with the President of the United States
(who in the film resembles Sarah Palin) and unintentionally cause a
world-wide nuclear war when every space-faring nation on Earth lays
claim to the Nazis' powerful Helium-3 resources on the Moon.
Iron Sky Invasion (2012):
a video game space combat simulator
and an expansion of the 2012 movie, with interactive and flyable recreations of numerous alleged prototypes and models of
Nazi UFO spacecraft.
Foo Fighters - Learn To Fly


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The material on this site does not reflect the views of What If? Tees.
The Images and Text are not meant to offend but to Promote Positive Open Debate and Free Speech.